Just in case you missed the memo, Manchester Orchestra front man Andy Hull is the most promising artist in indie rock today. Mean Everything to Nothing is a powerful, moving follow up to Manchester Orchestra's rookie release, I'm Like a Virgin Losing a Child. Featuring 11 tracks, this LP ranges from poppy, feel-good rock to harrowing acoustic tales of lost love and jaded soul searching.
Although Mean Everything to Nothing is certainly not a concept album, the narrative weaves from happiness to heartbreak with a precise accuracy. The first five songs on the album shy from the solemnity of the second half of the record, with the sixth track, 100 Dollars, providing the disambiguating catapult to emotional tumult. The last five pieces of musical beauty cover such mature themes that is extremely difficult to believe Hull is a mere 21 years old.
Mean Everything to Nothing has achieved both critical and commercial success since it's April 21st release, and with good cause. Few albums are able to capture both sides of the human emotional spectrum with such brilliant proficiency. All music fans should give this LP a try, especially fans of Brand New.
Review Score: 9.5/10